Thursday 23 April 2020

W4 Thursday Learning Blog

Good morning Reception Class πŸ˜Ž Welcome to Week 4 Virtual School!

There are 3 different learning areas for you to work on every day.
Try to follow the instructions carefully and complete the tasks according to your learning pace!

Please be prepared to share some of your work during the end of the day Zoom meeting at 11:30 am with your teachers. Don't forget to upload at least one task on Tapestry for teachers to see how hard you've been working daily! Keep up the good work πŸ˜Š

1) Library Book (Reading & Speaking)
Learning Objectives (LO): 40-60+ Uses vocabulary and forms of speech that are increasingly influenced by their experiences of books. Enjoys an increasing range of books. Knows that information can be retrieved from books and computers. Reading ELG - Children read and understand simple sentences. They use phonic knowledge to decode regular words and read them aloud accurately. They also read some common irregular words. They demonstrate understanding when talking with others about what they have read.

       Spend some time listening to David Williams free audio stories for your library time! David Walliams currently uploads his audio books 11:00 am daily.

You can also use Oxford Owl to look for some audio books as well!

Oxford Owl Library

Amazon Audible provides free audio books for children at the moment for a month. 
Enjoy browsing and listening to some stories at home πŸ˜‰

Some questions to ask your child while reading together:
Parents Reading Prompts

2) Mathematics (SSM)
Learning Objectives (LO): Children count reliably with numbers from one to 20, place them in order and say which number is one more or one less than a given number. Using quantities and objects, they add and subtract two single-digit numbers and count on or back to find the answer. They solve problems, including doubling, halving and sharing.

There are two different types of Maths activities. Please feel free to move from one star challenge to another depending on your mastery remembering what works best for you.
Don't forget that learning is fun πŸ˜‰

Please download and work on Numbots daily if possible.

⭐ - 1 Star Challenge:

What are different methods and ways we can do subtraction?
We have introduced some ways to practice taking away. What is your favorite?
Do you like using flip cards? Do you like hiding counters under the blanket?

Ms.Kris came up with her own method to take away some objects.
Can you explore and show us your own method of subtracting? πŸ˜‰
Find out the answer and show us how you got it!

⭐⭐ - 2 Star Challenge:

Subtraction Bowling Game

Let's play and make subtraction game more fun by playing a bowling game πŸ˜€
There are many ways you can play this game.
Be creative and use counters or toys you have at home!

After playing the bowling game, can you practice writing down your subtraction number sentences?

If you do not have enough counters at home, you can create your own paper bowling!

Paper Bowling

You will need:
Paper and tapes

1) Roll 10 pieces of papers into tubes and crunch another piece of paper into a ball.
2) Arrange the paper tubes upright and roll the ball towards the tubes.

How many standing tubes do you have left?
We would love to see you bowl at home so please share us a video of you bowling! πŸ˜Š

3) Finger Gym (Moving & Handling)
ELG—Children show good control and co-ordination in large and small movements. They move confidently in a range of ways, safely negotiating space. They handle equipment and tools effectively, including pencils for writing.

For Finger Gym activity today, you will practice handling kitchen tools and make Dalgona Milo.
Try to use a whisk first to mix and make the foam,
but you can use an electric mixer if it gets too tiring πŸ˜…

Have fun and tell us how delicious your drink was! πŸ˜„