Friday 10 April 2020

Celebration of Learning - W2 Friday

Time to celebrate our learning today Reception friends! 
Well done to all of you who have sent in photos and videos of your work. 

We are very proud of the way you are all working so hard! 
Have a look at your friends' work too! πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘

Segmentation for spelling words!

Writing sentences!

Our class assembly! It was nice to see everyone together πŸ˜€

We learned ee/ or sounds today!πŸ˜‰


Don't forget to practice reading your key ringπŸ˜‰πŸ‘©‍🏫 

Naaz working on letter and number formation! Good job Naaz πŸ‘

Husna working on her key rings!

Malirin reviewing 'ng' sound!